Hey there, I’m your gracious host, Mr. Jay Versluis.
I (used to) run this site. Lovely to meet you!
Back in 2013 I write that this site was a personal notebook about Objective-C and C Development with particular focus on iOS and macOS. It was an off-shoot from my other website that serves the same purpose for web development, hosting and Linux related things.
I’ve been hacking since the Commodore 64 days in the eighties, been dabbling in HTML since 1995 and have been writing iOS Apps since 2011 – you can check them out here.
I wanted to develop for iOS devices ever since I bought my first iPad back in 2011, followed by investing into a MacBook Pro in June 2011 just so that I could do it. Before then I was a PC Person. Nowadays I use macOS Windows and Linux side-by-side (I’m a CentOS man).
Putting my “Hello World” app together wasn’t easy, neither was expanding it with several other options. Back then iOS 5 was just around the corner, Xcode 3 had just been replaced with Xcode 4, and every point release added another obstacle to the journey. Documentation was forever outdated as publishers couldn’t keep up.
Objective-C is complex enough as it is without such problems, not to mention profile shenanigans for your devices. I felt I kept forgetting a lot of stuff that I had just learnt and needed a place to take notes – like I do with other projects so I have a compendium to consult for future reference. Hence this development diary for easy online access so I can jot down things wherever I am (which is usually behind one of several keyboards).

This site wasn’t really meant for public consumption, but I’m really happy to see that helps countless others: it now has over 15.000 40.000 hits per month and counting. Which is why I needed to invest into better infrastructure to cope with the demand.
Please consider helping me pay the bills by becoming a Patreon Supporter for a nominal fee – it’ll help me feed the server, make me super happy and encourage me to keep going with this project. It’s also a great way to say “thanks” if you found one of my tips useful. Other ways to share your appreciation are by sharing articles, and by spreading the good word about the site. Thanks in advance!
If you have any questions about the site, have a read through the Frequently Asked Questions. It also has a Contact Form if you want to ask a question.
While I’m still looking after this website in 2020 and beyond, I no longer actively contribute content here. I’ve explained my reasons on the front page, which has links to my currently active projects.
Thanks for stopping by, and Happy Hacking!

Other Projects from the same mind:
- The WP Guru – tips and tricks about WordPress, Linux, PHP, CSS, Plesk and Web Hosting (much like this one)
- versluis.com – a personal site with tons of tips about using 3D software, Premiere Pro and Photoshop
- supersurvivor.tv – a whole project dedicated to my battle against cancer
- YouTube Channel featuring plenty of free screencasts and tutorials about Complex Stuff Made Simple
You can also find me on: