Recent Comments

There are a total of 605 comments on this site.
Below are the most recent 30 of them, newest at the top.

Alexander G on Why is Xcode getting worse with each passing year?

Sunday, 31st May 2020

I agree with the article. Except autolayout. Autolayout actually is pretty good. It just has steep learning curve. But as soon as you will learn it, you will be able to easily implement very complex user interfaces with ease. In very rare cases you will need to control autolayout programmatically or do some debugging of why something is laid out incorrectly. In most cases it works well and predictable

Bilbo Baggins on Why is Xcode getting worse with each passing year?

Friday, 8th May 2020

I absolutely, totally agree. Once iOS development was fun and full of joy. It is now a NIGHTMARE. I changed for Android development instead. And I think I'm not the only one with this decision. Apple has been on the wrong path for years.

yes on Why is Xcode getting worse with each passing year?

Tuesday, 24th December 2019

Yes xCode is worse IDE i know, I am using latest xcode 11.3 haiz

dat on How to access the Step Counter and Pedometer Data in iOS 9

Sunday, 8th December 2019

can it collect from other device (like apple watch).

Karolina Ruda on How to preview storyboards in Interface Builder

Wednesday, 30th October 2019

How do this in Xcode 10? (2019r)

Phani on Xcode crashes every time you open it – and how to fix it

Wednesday, 30th October 2019

Thank You

Jay Versluis on How to avoid “whose view is not in the window hierarchy” error when presenting a UIViewController

Friday, 23rd August 2019

Luca on How to avoid “whose view is not in the window hierarchy” error when presenting a UIViewController

Friday, 23rd August 2019

You fucking saved me. I love you, Thanks

Simox11 on How to kill your app when it enters background mode

Tuesday, 4th June 2019

Thanks, the method is working super fine. Good content, Thanks :))

James on How to control the Preview Screenshot in the iOS Multitasking Switcher

Friday, 29th March 2019

How to add Security View once application goes in willResignActive & comes in Foreground then it would be remove I am add a view once application goes in willResignActive and comes in foreground then i remove. Facing the problem once user pull down notification bar just initial points then it shows like application goes in resignactive then securityview is added. Can i get event when user start pull down notification bar?

Jay Versluis on How to check if your app is running in 64bit

Saturday, 22nd December 2018

Hi Giannis, from what I understand the runtime check determines the size of the pointer in a running app, no matter how it was compiled (in 32 or 64 bit). It doesn't not check the operating system. The compiler on the other hand, or more accurately, Xcode would do that for us. Keep in mind this was relevant in 2013 when we could still deliver apps depending on what bit-ness the hardware supported. I guess as of 2018/2019 it's a moot point because Xcode won't let us compile apps in 32 bit anymore, on any currently supported OS or hardware.

Giannis Papadopoulos on How to check if your app is running in 64bit

Saturday, 22nd December 2018

I guess this runtime check, checks if your app is compiled in 32 or 64 bit. So it is the same as the compile time check. It does not check what the underlying OS is (32 or 64bit), am I right?

Jay Versluis on Two Million Visitors

Sunday, 4th November 2018

Thank you :-)

IPL on Two Million Visitors

Sunday, 4th November 2018

My hearty congratulations to you on this achievement. Keep sharing the helpful content as always. All the very best.

Jay Versluis on How to test which iOS Hardware your app is running on

Thursday, 13th September 2018

Pass I'm afraid - I'm not using the query in any of my Apps on the App Store at the moment. App Store rejections are a dark veiled mystery to most of us :-)

julian on How to test which iOS Hardware your app is running on

Thursday, 13th September 2018

Hi Jay, I had a question that i will just drop here: Could the query of the "hw.machine" flag cause the rejection of an App in the App Store? Regards, Julipan

Jay Versluis on How to share things with a UIActivityViewController

Wednesday, 8th August 2018

Hi Ali, it's difficult to diagnose this without seeing your code, but this error generally indicates that the class you're calling this method on is not a child of the UIViewController class. For example, if I inherit my class from NSObject and call presentViewController:animated:completion on it, that error springs up (because my class doesn't know that method, unless I define it myself, or unless the parent class has defined it). It's possible that you're calling the method on self, and self isn't a view controller.

Ali on How to share things with a UIActivityViewController

Wednesday, 1st August 2018

I got the error:- No visible @interface for 'XXXX' declares the selector 'presentViewController:animated:completion:'

Jay Versluis on How to control the Preview Screenshot in the iOS Multitasking Switcher

Friday, 27th July 2018

Hi Raidel, what you're describing is not an issue, it's expected behaviour. Double-tapping the home button brings up the "frozen" background apps, all showing a screenshot (not the live app). Double-tapping again, without selecting anything else, brings the current app back into the foreground. This activates it again, removing the screenshot.

Raidel Torres on How to control the Preview Screenshot in the iOS Multitasking Switcher

Thursday, 26th July 2018

Hi guys, I have trying to do this for a long time and no luck so far. I mean all options work, but there is a case in which they are not working. Example with the first one, simply hiding and showing the window, if I double touch the home button that will work fine, but if I double touch a couple more times I will end getting the screen of the app

Jay Versluis on How to check for Network Connectivity in iOS

Sunday, 8th July 2018

I couldn't agree more, Luke. Tony Million wrote that the he had reports that Apple is starting to reject apps that contain the Reachability class. Iv'e not made this experience myself, but should this happen to anyone, simply rename the class. Perhaps Apple are thinking about releasing their own version of it sometime? It's only been... 11 years and counting.

Jay Versluis on How to fetch multiple Entities with an NSFetchedResultsController

Sunday, 8th July 2018

Good question, Shirish, I've never tried that. I would assume it works.

Shirish on How to fetch multiple Entities with an NSFetchedResultsController

Wednesday, 27th June 2018

What if the Inbound and Outbound entity already have some other different Parent entities. Can we fetch them both together in that case ?

Luke on How to check for Network Connectivity in iOS

Friday, 22nd June 2018

Thanks so much.. Why isn't Reachability built into the core? A simple "isConnected" function would do instead of all this imported 'time consuming' extra. A connection to the net is practically required these days.

Đô Trịnh on How to avoid “whose view is not in the window hierarchy” error when presenting a UIViewController

Friday, 8th June 2018

Like a charm it goes well. Thank for your time.

keith on How to fix “no rule to process file” warning in Xcode

Wednesday, 18th April 2018

thank you!

Jay Versluis on How to concatenate strings (i.e. print several at a time)

Saturday, 24th March 2018

Alternatively, we can format a string with another string, like this:

NSString *combined = [NSString stringWithFormat@"%@%@", stringOne, stringTwo];

kunal kishore on How to kill your app when it enters background mode

Wednesday, 21st March 2018

Excellent article!! one more info which I am looking for is, whether the iOS app can be killed on pause programatically, i.e based on app's condition (like what it is doing at the moment). Can this be done?

Fhd on How to use Swift classes in Objective-C

Tuesday, 20th March 2018

Nice tutorial but this not working with xcode 9.2

Vikko on How to add touch events to a UITableViewFooter (or header)

Tuesday, 13th March 2018

Thank you for this