Dear friends,
I have some bad news I feel I must share with you: earlier this year I was diagnosed with colon cancer. I’ve spent most of February in hospital for two major operations to remove several tumours and fistulas, and I’m waiting for chemo and radiotherapy to start. The surgery alone has put a major strain on my body and my mind, and I’m not sure how I will react to the next few months of treatment.
This means that I will not be able to write as much content here as I have in the past, if I can produce any content at all. I know this sucks for you as much as it does for me. I’ve been battling with this disease since last year without knowing what it was at that time, and this is reflected in the reduced number of articles I’ve written in 2015.
I will let you know as soon as I feel better, but I fear that it will take the remainder of this year (2016) until I’m whipped back into shape. I have wonderful doctors who look after me, and good health insurance too, who have so far covered all expenses of this distasteful affair. Thank god for that!
If you feel that you’ve been “cheated out of your membership”, please contact me and we’ll work something out. If you need alternatives for learning iOS development, please look into the likes of and, who update much more frequently than I ever could. At the same time, they charge you more per month than what I’m asking for in a year to cover the cost of hardware and hosting. And: they’re professional teachers, whereas I am hobbyist hacker.
Thank you for your understanding, and thank you for your loyal support.
All the best, and Happy Hacking,
Hope you feel better, All the best, great blog BTW
Thank you, I’ll try my best
Perseverance and good health!
I wish you the best, Jay. Don’t let you down!
Don’t worry about your blog. Just get the rest and care you need and take care of yourself!
Thanks Emily, and thank you for renewing – it means a lot to me!
Thanks for this fantastic blog. I will keep you in my prayers!
Your health is top priority. First recover and then the rest.