Tag Archives: UIPrerenderedIcon

How to remove the gloss effect from your App Icon in Xcode 5

In Xcode 4 there was an option that read “Icon already has gloss effect”. This was available in the Project Settings, as well as a Plist Option under Info. YES would remove the gloss effect.

The above option still works in Xcode 5 unless you use an Asset Catalogue.

If you do, here’s where the option is now hidden:

  • click on the .xcasset file
  • select App Icon
  • in the right hand pane, open the Attributes Inspector
  • tick the box that reads “iOS Icon is pre-rendered”

Screen Shot 2013-12-18 at 15.27.09

How to remove the gloss effect from iOS Logos

While you’re in info.plist, go to the bottom of the list and add an item (right-click on the empty space and select “Add Row”). Then call it UIPrerenderedIcon. Now the item changes into “Icon already includes gloss effect”, giving you the option to select YES or NO (NO means gloss is switched on, YES means it will be switched off).

As of Xcode 4.3 there is now a handy tick box on your target called “Prerendered”. Tick it to remove the gloss effect:

If you’re previously had your app running with the gloss effect the non-gloss version may not show up until you delete the app from your simulator/device and run it again from Xcode.